Governing Body Resolutions passed in 2010-11

Resolution No. 274 passed in the 38th Governing Body Meeting held on 10.1.2011
“Resolved that the two items (Item 38/8: Provision of Gratuity to the staff working in IRWO and 38/11: Amendments proposed in IRWO General Rules) be referred for examination by the High Powered Committee (which had examined the pay revision of IRWO employees) consisting of the following members:
i) Director Technical, IRWO - Convener
ii) General Secretary, NFIR - Member
iii) General Secretary, AIRF - Member
iv) Secretary General, IRPOF - Member
v) Secretary General, FROA - Member
vi) Executive Director (Estt), Railway Board - Member”

Resolution No. 273 passed in the Governing Body Meeting held on 10.1.2011
“Resolved that the rates for payment of HRA, CCA, Festival Grant and Reimbursement of Medical Expenses (for outdoor and indoor treatment) in favour of direct appointees in IRWO be revised as follows:
HRA: The existing rates of HRA as on 1.12.2009 may be increased by 20% for the period from 1.12.2009 to 31.3.2011, and thereafter it may be paid on percentage basis (at revised rates of 30% for A1 class cities, 20% for A, B1 & B2 class cities and 10% for C class and unclassified cities) of the revised pay from 1.4.2011.
CCA: The existing rates of CCA as on 1.12.2009 may be increased by 20% w.e.f 1.12.2009.
Festival Grant: Festival Grant may be paid at the rate of 75% of basic pay subject to maximum of Rs. 5,000/- per annum w.e.f. 1.4.2011.
Reimbursement of Medical Expenses: Payment may be made as per the following revised rates/limits w.e.f. 1.4.2011:

Sr NoGradeOutdoor TreatmentIndoor Treatment
1Rs. 6,500-14,000, Rs. 7,000-15,400Rs. 5,400 per annum Rs. 10,800 per annum
2Rs. 7,100-16,100, Rs. 7,500-18,300, Rs. 7,800-18,300Rs. 6,000 per annumRs. 12,000 per annum
3All Other Grades (incl. non-railway retirees)Rs. 6,600 per annumRs. 13,200 per annum

IRWO may also adopt a suitable ‘Medical Insurance Scheme’ for hospitalization in respect of direct appointees and their family members in lieu of the existing scheme of reimbursement of medical expenses on indoor treatment. The modalities for implementation of ‘Medical Insurance Scheme’ may be worked out by IRWO in consultation with Insurance Companies. After implementation of the insurance scheme, the system of reimbursement of medical expenses on indoor treatment may be discontinued.”

Resolution No. 272 passed in the 38th Governing Body Meeting held on 10.1.2011
“Resolved that IRWO is authorized to transfer an amount of Rs. 14 crores from General Reserve to Land Corpus Fund. Further, IRWO may transfer an amount equivalent to 1% of the land cost and construction cost to Land Corpus Fund on yearly basis w.e.f. F.Y. 2010-11.”
